Encourage Young People in Their Faith

I am beyond proud of our One Hope Kids Bible Quiz Team! These young disciples have been faithfully studying the book of Acts, digging deep into God’s Word, and setting an incredible example of dedication and perseverance. Their love for Scripture and commitment to learning remind us all of the power of God’s truth in our lives.

Pastor Karen, Mrs. Molly, Pastor Georgia, and Hattie Jo have been faithful leaders and encouragers, walking alongside our kids and helping them grow in both knowledge and faith. Their investment in the next generation is a beautiful reflection of what it means to disciple others.

As our quiz team completes their final meet before the qualifying rounds, let’s celebrate their hard work and pray for them as they move forward. Their journey reminds us that God’s Word is alive and active, shaping hearts and minds for His purpose. May we all be inspired by Acts 17:11: "Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." So let us seek to be like the kids and the Berean Jews! Examining God’s Word with great eagerness.

One Hope, let’s continue to encourage our young people in their faith and celebrate their commitment to Scripture. We are better together! 


A Place Where Hope is Forged: The Story of the House of Mercy