A Year of Epiphany
Epiphany is an aha moment—an instant of wonder, excitement, and hope. It is the unknown made known, curiosity realized. This week, we celebrate Epiphany: the unfolding wonder of Christ’s birth and the magi from the East who journeyed to find Him.
These wise men, gazing at a star, saw into the heart of a promise. They called Him King before anyone else could truly understand what kind of King He would be. Their journey led them to the doorstep of a humble home, where they knelt before the Messiah and offered Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh (Matthew 2:11).
Epiphany is more than the magi’s moment of revelation; it’s ours too. This was not just a moment of fulfillment for the Jewish people who awaited the Messiah, but for the whole world. His star didn’t shine for one nation but for all people. He came for everyone. His light, His invitation, is universal.
What a powerful reminder! Today, we celebrate not only the wonder of Christ’s birth but also His welcome. The magi, so different in culture and status, were invited into the presence of the Christ Child. In the same way, we are called to open our hearts, our doors, and our homes to others.
As we enter this new year, may we be filled with wonder and seeking. God may lead us to places unexpected, or He may nudge us to welcome someone unexpected. Either way, His light is still shining, guiding us to acts of love and hospitality.
This is a year of Epiphany—of revelation, hope, and open hearts. Let us embrace it. Amen.