Preparing our hearts

As I sit at my kitchen table, worshiping along with Charity Gayle’s New Name Written Down in Glory, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for what Jesus has done in my life and in the lives of so many others. Her line, “I met the author of my story, and He’s mine, yes, He’s mine” inspires hope, knowing that Jesus, who writes each of our stories, is still at work today, writing new ones.

This Sunday, as we gather to launch One Hope Church of the Nazarene, we should be expecting God to do great things. I believe that new names will be written down in glory, and we will witness lives transformed by the power of Jesus. Romans 6:4 says, “We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” That’s what we celebrate—not just new names, but new life in Jesus.

As a church, we’re not just about a name change; we’re about life change. Every step someone takes toward Jesus is worth celebrating, and as we live out our value to Celebrate Every Step, we rejoice together. I pray this Sunday we see new steps of faith, as people experience the hope and freedom that only Jesus offers.

Our mission as One Hope Church of the Nazarene is rooted in Serving With Purpose—meeting needs and extending the love of Christ to everyone we encounter. We See Jesus In Everyone, knowing that each person has a unique journey and a divine calling. And as we proclaim that Jesus Is Our One Hope, we do so Fearless for the Future, embracing the change and growth that lies ahead, fully confident that God is writing new stories, both in our church and in our community.

Let’s prepare our hearts for what God is going to do, and let’s expect to see lives transformed as He continues to write new names in His book.


A Message of Hope and Encouragement


God Has Moved, Is Moving, and Continues to Move