In Step with the Holy spirit

I love finding, purchasing, and giving the perfect gift! I remember the year I received a flute from my mom. It was stunning, but without breath, it was just a lifeless instrument. Only when I blew air into it did the beautiful music come alive. That’s what the Holy Spirit does for us. Without the Holy Spirit, we are just here—present, but not fully alive. The Holy Spirit is God’s personal breath (Ruach) that fills and fuels us with His life and power.

In the Old Testament, we see the Spirit move in powerful ways—giving Joseph wisdom, empowering judges like Gideon and Samson, and filling prophets with God’s words. Yet, when Jesus came, He brought something new. The same Spirit that came upon Jesus at His baptism also raised Him from the dead! That Spirit is now living and active in us today, giving us the power to live, love, and share the gospel.

This week, let’s walk in step with the Holy Spirit. In every decision, every conversation, let’s lean into His guidance and strength. Just like a flute needs breath to play, we need the Spirit to truly live.

“Come Holy Spirit, I need you.
Come sweet Spirit, I pray.
Come in Your strength and Your power,
Come in Your own gentle way.”

May we daily rely on His presence, allowing His energy to guide and transform us!


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