On the other side – John 21:6 Then he said, “Throw out your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you’ll get some!” So, they did, and they couldn’t haul in the net because there were so many fish in it.

When we read the entire chapter, we realize a lot was going on in the minds and hearts of the disciples. The death and resurrection of Christ was very difficult and challenging for them to process. So, let’s go back to what we do know, and let’s getting fishing again! We understand that and often do that as humans trying to follow Christ. We get confused, frustrated and discouraged and then we just go back to what is familiar to find comfort and peace. Then Jesus appears to them while they are fishing, and they were not catching fish even though they knew all about this fishing thing – and Jesus changes everything forever!! Try the other side of the boat! These were seasoned fishermen and were doing what they knew best – Jesus appears and challenges them to do it differently and wow! What a catch!

Our mission theme this year is, “Try the other side,” and the challenge is to realize that whatever we do, the focus must remain to share Jesus and see lives changed forever. While we have many changes in our world today and we have the world right here in the US, let’s change things up and try new ways to share Jesus – let’s try the other side! I encourage us all to not politicize the Gospel and who we talk Jesus to and let’s not get frustrated and angry with the social and moral challenges around us. Let’s try the other side of the boat! Let’s ask Jesus to show us how to reach everyone with the Good News and let’s remember that everyone, everywhere needs Jesus. Missions does not only refer to international projects, but also right here on our doorstep, so right where we are, let’s try the other side and reach out for


Embracing God’s Pruning: Letting Go to Grow in Faith and Fruitfulness
