What do you notice about a clock? It has twelve numbers on it that indicate hours, 60 little individual lines to mark the minutes and seconds, three hands that rotate to mark the hour, the minutes, and the seconds. Sometimes they need adjusted. Their batteries start to go out, the time changes twice a year. Clocks are supposed to keep us on track. It doesn’t really matter what direction you’re going with a clock. It just makes sure you arrive wherever you’re headed.

What do you notice about the compass? It has letters indicating the direction we are facing. The arrow in the center turns to show us the true north when we lose our way. It does not waiver in telling us this because it is bound to the physics of earth’s magnetic field. It doesn’t matter how long it takes you to get where you’re going with a compass. It just makes sure you’re going down the right path and in the right direction.

The clock represents our commitments, appointments, schedules, goals, and activities. It’s how we manage our time. The compass represents our vision, values, principles, mission, direction — and our relationship with God.

Jesus understood the importance of balancing the clock and the compass. John 15:5 reads, “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.”

We all face the challenge of trying to live by the compass, not the clock. Getting the tasks done, no matter what they are, seems to overshadow the true direction of what we’re trying to accomplish. How many times do plug away at something without stopping to ask, “Why does this matter? What am I doing this for?” Keeping the compass in mind helps us keep the big picture in view.

What is your direction? How can you better balance the way you serve the Lord? the church? How can you better balance your life?

God, You are our compass. When we turn to You and stay in tune with the Spirit, we know we are headed down the right path. Help us to seek patience in the journey, knowing that the end result is worth every ounce of time we invest into it. Thank You for guiding my steps, my heart, my mind. Whatever my clock looks like, may I constantly check to make sure it aligns with Your compass. Amen.
Devotion adapted from:


