I knew they were struggling. I knew they were broken. I knew they needed encouragement and the hope of Jesus. I knew, and I sat back.

On October 15th, 2023, I lost a relative to suicide. My rational mind told me that I was in no way to blame for my family member’s death, but still, my heart was convicted. At that time, most people in my life knew Jesus and held onto the hope that can be found in Him. My bubble was safe. I didn’t want to stretch beyond its secure boundaries or overextend my empathetic heart by sitting beside someone in their hurt. I was comfortably locked inside my home. And I was wrong.

I had to face the fact that I was not being the hands and feet of Jesus by closing myself off to a shattered and hopeless world in order to shelter myself.

Many of you may be in the same spot today, knowing you can no longer bring hope to your lost loved one who so desperately needed it. I invite you to join me – commit to living every single day open to every single person who comes into your life.

Will you join me in this prayer?
God today I pray that you will open my heart to others. Equip me to bravely go wherever you guide my feet and help me to see whoever you place in my path. I will not waste Kingdom-sized potential just to save my Karen-sized comfort. Amen.

There are too many people who feel like lost causes that simply need someone to invite them to the table. Who will you invite today?


