Teaching Kids to Shine the Light of Jesus

Matthew 5:16
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Kids camps were this past week and I watched 300 children learn how to shine the light of Jesus to those around them! One of my favorite things about kids camp is the final night of camp always ends with an altar call. This camp looked a little different. No ending altar call. No altars down front at all actually. That was so strange to see! However, the reasoning behind it was perfect.

How can we shine the light of Jesus if we don't first have the light of Jesus?

So this year, the salvation sermon was the first one given. Cards were passed out where kids could express if they: 1) had already given their lives to Jesus, 2) still have questions before having a relationship with Jesus, or 3) were ready right now to say YES to Jesus and shine His light. It was incredible to see the cards filled out. So many 1s and 3s it brought tears to my eyes! Now, why no altars at all may still be on your mind. The answer? More space for them to praise Jesus for the work done in their lives through the worship music! 

It all starts with that first spark, the initial light of the flame inside our hearts, the work of the Holy Spirit as we accept Jesus as our own Lord and Savior. Once we have this light, it's our privilege to shine it for all to see! Are you ready to shine the light of Jesus with those around you? Ask our kids how!


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